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Auricle ALPHA Custom Noise Reduction Earplugs - Communications Intergration - Pair

Auricle ALPHA Custom Noise Reduction Earplugs - Communications Intergration - Pair

Regular price $399.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $399.00 AUD
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Now with an integrated sound tube interface for communications devices or IFB applications the Auricle ALPHA Custom Noise Reduction Earplugs offer new opportunities in greater comfort, better communications performance and more operational flexibility.

For a more comfortable experience at concerts, loud restaurants, motorsports or just during everyday activities? Based on a digital scan of your ear, the Auricle ALPHA custom fitted earplugs are 3D printed to fit the unique shape of your ear canals. Enjoy the unrivaled comfort of an earplug designed just for you, ensuring a secure and non-irritating fit for long performances or multi hour shifts.

The low profile design of the Auricle ALPHA earplugs means they are discreet for everyday wear, and work well even under most helmets or other head warn PPE.

Auricle ALPHA custom fitted earplugs are available with different attenuator modules, so you can choose the amount of isolation for your needs - ranging from frequency neutral attenuators great for maximum fidelity at concerts, impulse attenuators designed to reduce sudden loud noises for motorsports and gunsports, full blocking or switched to turn blocking off/on while still attenuating and even attenuators designed for swimming. Additional attenuators are available so that you can change the attenuator when your activities change.

*not certified hearing protection, please use with other certified hearing protections in environments that require hearing protection compliance.

For your custom product we need your custom ear shape!

For direct ear 3D scans in Australia please see below links to where you can book for your eFit scanning appointment:

Sydney Booking

Melbourne Registration

Brisbane Registration

If you already have a 3D ear scan(eFit direct scan or ear impression 3D scan) file please email it to with your order number, the team will then review to see if we can accept it to begin making your custom product.

If you require an impression taken please see the link below for a guide you can give to an audiologist so they can take a high quality impression for your custom product to be crafted

Impressions Guide

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